Bosschaerts - Persyn Genealogical research - Earliest Traces
- Third Forestier of the country Vlaenderen (692-737+)
earlier days Burghard/ Bouchard/ Bosschaert was used as Christianname
of forename.
There is no link between our genealogy and this person. The story is informative,
and irrelevant for our research.
Bosschaert or Burchardus is mentioned in the glorified history of
the country of 'Vlaenderen'; once called country of 'Buck'.
It is difficult to make a short story of this history. In the original
work of Despars the language and sense constructions were too cumbersome.
Tom Bosschaert made a free translation, to make it more readable.
It is a captive tale, but cannot be checked for truth.
Some writers state that: 'It supports on too weak grounds, to be adopted
as an undoubtful history'
author, Nicolaes Despars, starts its chronicle in the year 405, with
Amphiguisius; lord of the country of Buck.
Liederijck of Rijssel is the first Forestier of the country of Vlaenderen
from 578 until 677.
Bosschaert, son of Liederick, is born in 625; and died in 737 (at the
age of 112 years), after 43 years of leadership as Forestier.
In 693 Bosschaert became the third Forestier of Vlaenderen; as a lord
of Leuven. Forestier is possible also translated as ‘Count of
a Province’
The tale starts at the time of the Merovingic kings, with Chilperic
I. He reigned at Soissons from 561 until 584, and was married with Fredegonde.
Chilperic had three brothers: Sigibert I was the most important. Sigibert
reigned at Metz from 561 until 575, and was married with Brunhilde (a
queen with Visigothic origin).
Chilperic I was king of Neustria, an area between The Schelde and Loire.
Sigibert I ruled in Austrasia, at the east of Neustria. After years
Herstal, Aachen, Metz, Würzburg and Worms was included in the sovereignty
of Austrasia
In the country of Buck (Buc) resided Finaert (Phinard). His reigned
over the area that's now called West-Flanders. His castle stood in Rijssel.
OF BUCK - First Forestier of Buck (later called Vlaenderen) (578-677)
The prince of the castle of Dijon in upper Bourgogne
Some writers want, according to the story of Meyer, in his first Directories,
on the year 621 that Liederick was appointed by king Clotarius as Forestier
of Flanders, and also of the forest of the Ardennen. His son Bosschaert
should have been married with Helwidis, sister of Holly Wandrillis,
but this tale is undoubtfull. Mr. Machant praises Liederik, son of Salvart,
prince of Dijon.
In about 631 Clotarius II, king of France, gave the governing board
of Flanders to Liederick. It was a district full of bunches and marshes,
but it had the renowned strenght of Buc. Liederick got the nickname
of Buc or Buck, because he resided in this castle. He obtained the celebrity
of Devoutness in confessing the Christian belief; of uprightness and
austerity in the governing board; of prudence in peace, and of braveness
in war-time.
Some say, that he has been married with Idonée of France, the
sister of king Dagobert. And that she gave birth to several children,
and among them was Burchard or Bosschaert.
According to the tradition they had together 15 sons and 3 daughters:
Joseram, Antheunis, Bosschaert, Baudryn, Allyamis, Lyoneel, Gallerant,
Morissis, Boudewijn, Magnifer, Salodrijn, Montfort, Ganimedes, Baudiaen,
Liederijck, Idonée, Gratiane and Leonarde. With Gratiane of England
he had a bastard, named Namelion.
Liederick died in the year 677 at the age of 97. He reigned during 62
years in large wisdom and prosperity. God bless his soul and the souls
of all the christians who believe.
ANTHEUNIS - Second Forestier of the country Vlaenderen (677-693)
After the death of Liederick, he was succeeded by his son Antheunis.
According to some writers, Liederick had divided his country before
his death. He had divided Rijsel to Amaurie, Douay to Baudris, and the
remaining cities had been given to his sons, but many doubt about the
truth of this tale.
In the Directories of Flanders the sins of Antheunis also contradictorial:
Some writers say, that he was a wise prince, with the virtues of his
Other accuse him, on the contrary, of great depraved morals, and of
several heavy criminal facts. Some even claim that his bad sins have
contaminated the complete country region of his sovereignty. And some
dare say that the Barbarians have spread themselves, and by divine revenge
arranged to punish the people, and commited horrible crimes. These barbarians
had devastated the city of Rijsel, and it remained several years a miserable
city. Antheunis has never been married, and he died without any descendants.
In the glorified history of the country of 'Vlaenderen' you can read
The unfaithfull clans, Hunnen, Goten, Vandelen and Halanen, invaded
Lotharingen and Brabant and devastated every house. Everybody was killed
because of their cruelty and tyranny. Antheunis, the Forestier of Vlaenderen,
had gladly kept them outside its borders. But unfortunately; Antheunis
was killed because of their large supremacy. They poured his blood for
the holy Christian belief. He died unmarried with some of his relatives,
at the age of 76. Bosschaert, his brother, buried him beside the grave
of Liederick in the church of St. Jacobs in Arien. During his life he
had enlarged and reinforced this church. The Flemish country was pillaged,
deprived, its inhabitants were assassinated; 'Vlaenderen' was almost
abandoned. This happened in 693. During 16 years Antheunis has reigned
the Flemish country very peaceful and judiciously.
BOSSCHAERT - Lord of Leuven, third Forestier of Vlaenderen (693-737)
Burchard or Bosschaert, second son of Liederick, obtained
the government of Flanders, after the death of his brother Antheunis.
One says, that Bosschaert was married with Helwide, a cousin (meaning
a related member of the family) of Pepijn den Dikken, Duke of Brabant.
Some add to this story, that he has been appointed by this marriage
to govern as Lord of Leuven.
Bosschaert, aside of Pepijn, took warfare at Diederik, king of France
and Berthier. He lost this war and also his leadership of Flanders,
and all its properties. Pepijn did all possible attempts to satisfy
the anger of the king, but he only maintained the strenght of the castle
in Harelbeke. Bosschaert has lost his beloved country of Flanders.
Meyer wrote: "Pepyn ondernoomen hebbende,
de genen die door Ebroin na Austrasie gebannen waren, en door Diederik
als Misdadigers vervolgt wierden, te verdedigen, trok tegen Diederik
te veld, en leverde hem slag hij Tertry, eene plaats tusschen St. Quintin
en Peronne. Hy behaalde de overwinning, en kreeg Diederik zelf gevangen.
De krygsbenden van Berthier, wierden mede verslagen. Burchard Forestier
van Vlaandre, en Vrind van Pepijn, woonde het gevecht by. Dit was de
rede, dat Diederik hem kort daarna van zijne Landvoogdyschap beroofde;
doch op de krachtige voorspraak van Pepijn, behield hy Harlebeek met
den Tytel van Graafschap.”
In the glorified history of the country of 'Vlaenderen' one can read
that Bosschaert stayed 11 years in his castle in Harelbeke without leaving
Eventually he died in 737 at the age of 112 years, after 43 years
of being Forestier. He was buried with dignity and mourning in the church
of St. Salvator in Harelbeke. During his life he has founded this church. His wife Helvide
gave birth to a son named Estoreyt, who succeeded him as the fourth
Forestier of Flanders.