Bosschaerts - Persyn Genealogical research - Bekende naamgenoten
Eugène is
a Flemish prose writer, born in Antwerp on 3 February 1901, and died there
on 24 July 1965, as the son of Franciscus Joannes and Maria Francisca
He worked as a civil servant at the municipal council of Antwerp.
He made a debut as poet and became one of the good-looking psychologists
and stylists of his generation with atmospheric stories and some novels.
After two works of poetry, he wrote some suggestive stories about musical
motives, eg. Mondscheinsonate (1941). In 1959 he tries to write a prose
work of a large size: 'De club der acrobaten' (The club of Acrobats),
a city novel with a complicated structure, but in some fragments the narrative
style reveals the often sharp-ironic side of the author.
A nice quote of Eugène Bosschaerts:"Wie denkt dat hij denkt,
zit soms maar wat te dromen."
(Whom thinks that he thinks, is
more often just dreaming.) |
His oevre:
De tere snaar (The sore Spot) (1926), poetry
Het hellend vlak (The obliqu Area) (1934), poetry
Mondscheinsonate (1941), short story
Liefde en jazz (Love and Jazz) (1943), short story
Kleine suite voor klavier (Small Suite for Piano) (1954), proza
De club der acrobaten (The Club of the Acrobats) (1959), proza
Altijd op zondag (Always on Sunday) (1963), novel
G. Stuiveling, 'Tussen liefde en dood' (Between Love and Death), in Uren Zuid (1960)
H. Lampo, `Proza-agenda 3', in Nieuw Vlaams Tijdschrift, 18 (1965)