| Thumb |
Description |
Info |
Linked to |
1 |
 | Ageeth
Owner of original: Sociale Media Facebook, Linkedin, enz
2 |
 | . Harmsen
Owner of original: Sociale Media Facebook, Linkedin, enz
3 |
 | . Joey
Owner of original: Sociale Media : Facebook, LinkedIn etc
4 |
 | Achtergaele Anouk
Owner of original: social media
5 |
 | Achterstraat Edie
Owner of original: Sociale Media Facebook, Linkedin, enz
6 |
 | Adams Anna-Catharina
7 |
 | Aerts Franciscus Petrus
8 |
 | Aerts Jenny
9 |
 | Aerts Joannes Carolus
10 |
 | Aerts Jozef
11 |
 | Agyar Serhat
Owner of original: Bosschart Bojo familiereunie
12 |
 | Alexandra Bosschart Cidade Nuvens
Owner of original: Alexandra Bosschart
13 |
 | Anthonie Simona
Owner of original: Sociale Media : Facebook, LinkedIn etc
14 |
 | Anthonus Maria Nathalia
15 |
 | Ariens Adrianus
Owner of original: Ariens Harm
16 |
 | Ariens Adrianus
Owner of original: Bosschart Bojo familiereunie
Date: 1924 trouwfoto
17 |
 | Ariens Harm
Owner of original: Ariens Harm
18 |
 | Ariens Kayleigh
Owner of original: Sociale Media : Facebook, LinkedIn etc
Date: 2015
19 |
 | Ariens Kimberley
Owner of original: Sociale Media : Facebook, LinkedIn etc
Date: 2015
20 |
 | Ariens Maaike (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Sociale Media : Facebook, LinkedIn etc
Date: 2016
21 |
 | Ariens Paul
Owner of original: Sociale Media : Facebook, LinkedIn etc
Date: 2016
22 |
 | Ariens Petrus
Owner of original: Sociale Media : Facebook, LinkedIn etc
Date: 2016
23 |
 | Ariens René
Owner of original: Ariens Harm
24 |
 | Ariens Rich
Owner of original: Ariens Harm
25 |
 | Ariens Robin
Owner of original: Ariens Harm
26 |
 | Ariens Thecla
Owner of original: Sociale Media : Facebook, LinkedIn etc
Date: 2015
27 |
 | Ariens Wilhelmina
Owner of original: Bosschart Bojo familiereunie
28 |
 | Ariens Wouter
Owner of original: Ariens Harm
29 |
 | Bacquaert Christiane
30 |
 | Bader Elisabeth
31 |
 | Baerts Bavo
Owner of original: Hugo Bosschaert
32 |
 | Baetens Anita
Owner of original: Sociale Media : Facebook, LinkedIn etc
33 |
 | Baets Elisabeth
34 |
 | Baets Eva
Owner of original: social media
35 |
 | Baets Johan
Owner of original: Hugo Bosschaert
36 |
 | Bakker Elsie
Owner of original: Sociale Media Facebook, Linkedin, enz
37 |
 | Bakker Grietje
Owner of original: Anthony Bosschaert
38 |
 | Bal Maria
39 |
 | Barber Michael
40 |
 | Barbosa Ramos Charles
41 |
 | Barnhoorn Nelly
Owner of original: Sociale Media : Facebook, LinkedIn etc
42 |
 | Battel Christine
Owner of original: FB
43 |
 | Bauwens Rachelle
44 |
 | Bauza Piza Salvador
Owner of original: Sociale Media Facebook, Linkedin, enz
45 |
 | Becht Louisa Maria
46 |
 | Beck Prisjer
Owner of original: Sociale Media : Facebook, LinkedIn etc
Date: 2015
47 |
 | Beckwe Maria
Owner of original: doodsprentje
Date: 2017
48 |
 | Bekaert Yvonne
49 |
 | Belderbos Annie
Owner of original: Hugo Bosschaert
50 |
 | Belsmans Pieter