Already since the 90s I have frequently contacted people by phone or email in order to obtain additional info for our genealogical research. I was able to link most of the relatives in the genealogy.
Nowadays several relatives have also found social networking, and it’s a great and usefull source to find new Bosscha(a/e)rt(s) relatives worldwide.
A great new tool is sorry WAS, because it already vanished LOL:

WieoWie -
the people search engine
| is a Dutch website that offers a service to measure your WOW factor by counting how many friends you have at social networking, and it also searches on the internet for personal info.
For the moment it checks Hyves, Twitter, LinkedIn, Schoolbank, Facebook, Myspace, Xing, Blogger, Digg, Ning and you can manually add like others like: Netlog, Friendfeed etc.
Also at your Google profiles, Yahoo! Profiles, Typepad etc.
Also at search robots like; Google,, Yahoo!, Bing, Telephoneguide of the Netherlands, Nieuws, Blogs
And photos/audio & video at: TVBlik, Flickr & YouTube ;
and finally also related persons info facts, tags, phone numbers, email addresses & documents. |